Our local Churches
The beating heart of the Adventist church is its churches. There are more than 300 congregations spread across the United Kingdom and Ireland.
Use the map and the search tool to find a church near you.
Our churches are divided into five territories around the United Kingdom and Ireland. These include the South England Conference, North England Conference, Welsh Mission, Scottish Mission, and the Irish Mission (which includes churches from Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland). Each of these territories has administrative offices.
There are also various institutions that are also connected to the church. Have a look at "What we do" and "Who we are," for more details.
- Step-free entranceParking spots
- Step-free entranceParking spotsWifi
- Step-free entranceParking spotsWifi
- Step-free entranceParking spots
Solid Rock Drogheda, Whitehorn House
Ballymakenny Rd, Greenbatter, Co. Louth
A92 HW26 DROGHEDAStep-free entranceParking spotsWifi