

Irvine Church Provides Safe Haven for Those Facing Mental Health Issues

Irvine Church Provides Safe Haven for Those Facing Mental Health Issues

Irvine Church has opened its doors to those in the community who may be struggling with stress or mental health problems.

IrvineSM Communications

Irvine Church will now welcome all those in need of support on Mondays from 7-9pm and Thursdays from 12-2pm at their base at 76 High Street, Irvine.

The Monday meetings are designed for those suffering from stress, grief or loneliness.The Thursday meetings, under the banner Men Are Important Too, are set up for those with mental health issues who may be suffering from depression and hopelessness and may even be considering ending it all.

The church is also operating a suicide helpline on 077324 52342.

A spokesperson for the church said: "We live in a world where people are feeling overwhelmed and struggling with various problems that can negatively impact their general wellbeing. Difficulties in relationships, loneliness, feeling anxious, grief, hardship, being without hope, are some of the issues facing people in our community. People are searching for answers, they see terrible images on the news and are fearful of the future, especially their children’s future, known as anticipatory anxiety. Does this resonate with you? If the answer is yes and you are looking for support and hope - look no further."

The church volunteers share a passion for serving the community. They have experienced difficulties in their own lives but have a listening ear, empathy and a loving heart.

The spokesperson added: "You don’t have to be a Christian to come along, we don’t discriminate or want people to feel excluded from our support group. Our outreach resource provides a safe space where you can come and discuss issues troubling you.  If we can provide practical support we will, but if this falls out-with our area of expertise, we will signpost onto the appropriate service, as we have a duty of care. We care about you and offer friendship, free hot drinks and cakes."

Source: Church meetings for those struggling with mental health | Irvine Times