


Global Women's Ministries Day

God is Watching

By Sharon Platt-McDonald BUC Director for Women's Ministries, Health and Adventist Community Services

"The eyes of the Lord are in every place, Keeping watch on the evil and the good." Proverbs 15:3

This year's global Women's Ministries Day theme for Sabbath, 8 June, carries the caption: 'The God Who Sees You'.

In her sermon, author Edith Ruiz-Espinoza chronicles the Bible stories of four women, highlighting their trials and triumphs. She draws life-affirming lessons for us today, emphasising the impact of God's watchful eyes on our circumstances.

In preparing for this year's theme, previous General Conference Women's Ministries Director - the late Heather-Dawn Small, shared:

"The theme of this Women's Ministries Emphasis Day (WMED) packet is 'The God Who Sees You'. Written by Edith Ruiz-Espinoza, Inter-American Division Women's Ministries Director, the sermon reminds us that God sees us wandering in the 'deserts' of our lives, in our pain of lost dreams and relationships, and our shame when we have failed even ourselves. Nothing happens that God doesn't notice. He is 'The God Who Sees You'. He 'tracks' us and is attentive to our needs. He sees everything we suffer and everything we go through; everything we are and everything we will become through relying on His strength alone."

You can access the empowering materials (sermon, sermon PowerPoint, workshop slides and handouts) for this Sabbath's Women's Ministries Day focus via the following link:

Making the materials relevant

Please share the above link so that this wonderful message of hope and restoration can be a blessing to many.

Think about someone you know who is hurting because of life's traumas. Prayerfully present them to God and share the resource package with them.

Think of a woman who may be on the margins of the church, no longer attending, or currently needing encouragement. Reach out to her and share these materials. Better still, invite her to attend a church honouring this special day on Sabbath, 8 June.

Personal reflection

How reassuring to know that our benevolent God observes everything that transpires in our lives and makes provisions accordingly. Yet, He is also watching how we respond to the needs of others.

Proverbs 15:3 is nestled between verses on the power of words for good or evil. Do our words and actions help or harm individuals, especially those already hurting or vulnerable?

As we think of the way Jesus attends to our needs, I pray that we will embrace those within our sphere of influence in ways that reflect Christ's example of love, equity, equality and compassion.

I want to take a moment to acknowledge 2 of our incredible women in the British Union Conference whose specialist interventions, through their therapeutic words and compassionate actions, are restoring the lives of women who have suffered abuse. Joanna Daniel, a Trauma-informed Counsellor, and Samantha Fessal – Welsh Mission Women's Ministries Sponsor, were invited by our General Conference Women's Ministries department, to write the Abuse Awareness package for this year's enditnow Emphasis Day, 24 August, which you can find at:

We thank God for Joanna and Samantha, whose expertise and positive influence have been recognised by our world church. Their materials are now being used globally to restore the lives of women and their families and educate our church.

Why a Women's Ministries Emphasis Day?

Women's Ministries Emphasis Day is an annual event held on the second Sabbath each June and is included on the worldwide Seventh-day Adventist Church Calendar of Special Days and Events.

On the General Conference (GC) Women's Ministries website, it explains the purpose of the day:

"It is an opportunity for women to lead out in a worship service and a chance to educate the church regarding the purposes of Women's Ministries. It is an ideal time to introduce your leaders and committee to the church family and to invite women who have not been involved to join."*1


Reflecting on the impact of Women's Ministries Emphasis Days, members continue to share testimonials of how these special days have enriched their lives and the ministry of the church. Women Ministries leaders speak of the enhanced spiritual nurture and empowerment to develop and thrive in their ministry and Christian life as they undertake relevant outreach interventions that meet diverse needs and transform lives.

Speaking to a female visitor attending a local church on a Women's Ministries Emphasis Day, she stated: "I don't attend church regularly, but I always visit on days like this, as the themes are so relevant for myself and family. I congratulate your church leadership for investing in the nurture of women in this way."  

One Women's Ministries leader enthused:

"These special days give us as women the opportunity to contribute to the service in a meaningful way and share on issues that impact us. That makes us feel visible, valued, and nurtured."

In an interview with Heather-Dawn Small in June 2023, she reflected:

"I have seen that the WM Emphasis Day brings our sisters together. For that day, we have one focus. We work together, worship together, praise together, and go out into the community to touch lives for God together. I love to see the many ways my sisters find to share God's love in community outreach on that day."

May God continue to bless our work and ministry as we reflect His goodness to others, knowing His watchful eyes are always upon us.
