Remember back in school when you had to discuss a topic with your partner, and you ended up talking about everything else but the question your teacher asked? This was not the case in Sabbath School, led by Dr Gina Miller, who presented a very interactive program. Dr Miller encouraged the congregation to lead Sabbath School through discussions and to learn techniques for connecting people that can be taken back to their home churches. Delegates found a partner based on the colour they were wearing, exchanged contact details, and prayed together. The focus was on going forth to teach and make disciples through Bible study, prayer, fellowship, and mission.
The children blessed the congregation with a song at the end of Sabbath School, which they had practiced throughout the week with the fantastic Children’s Ministries team led by Pr Ikwisa Mwasumbi, the NEC Children’s Ministries director, and Maxine Campbell.
Before the sermon, delivered by our main speaker Dr Marcus Harris, we were blessed with a musical item from SORA, the UK-based gospel trio of sisters Charline, Charlotte, and Alana. Following this, Dr Harris delivered a sermon based on Isaiah 40:31, entitled "Wait on Him." In an instant world, Dr Harris admonished us to "wait on the Lord."
After lunch, there was a chance for a little Sabbath respite. Some went on walks while others sat and spoke with friends, awaiting the evening program. The NEC Music Sponsor, Joel Robinson, brought together a gifted team of praise leaders and musicians who closed Sabbath with a concert, which proved to be an uplifting time of worship through musical items.
You can view the adult services by searching @necadventist and the youth services by searching @NECyouth on YouTube.