

Day 2: Camp Meeting

Day 2: Camp Meeting

Charlene Brown

We had another full day of enriching programs at Camp Meeting 2024, with our hosts Adriel Hush and Jemima Nambo doing a great job interviewing presenters and sharing important information with viewers. You can catch them on the NEC YouTube channel.

Today, we delve into the youth and teen programs, streamed on the NEC Youth YouTube Channel, featuring two dynamic speakers. For the teens, we have Pastor Kwame Sarpong from the South England Conference, and for the youth, Dr. Abraham Henry from the Lake Region Conference in the United States.

Pastors Micah Campbell and Derek Simon have put together interactive programs consisting of sermons, discussions, and activities, giving the young people a chance to ask questions and receive answers important to their lives at this time. They also took time to socialise.

We waved the teens off this morning as they ventured out to Alton Towers. The youth began their day with an icebreaker and moved into a song service. The youth song leaders led us in singing thoughtful songs, placing us in the right frame of mind to hear a word from the speaker.

When Pastor Abraham arrived, he greeted each young person individually, which was refreshing to see. Pastor Abraham spoke about building relationships with the young people to better minister to them. This intention was evident throughout the room as the youth and pastors interacted and shared their reflections from the sermon in small groups.

Join us tomorrow as we focus on the adults and share experiences that you just cannot get from watching online. You need to be here next time!

Day 2: Camp Meeting

Day 3: Camp Meeting