

Attendees Explore the Potential of 7me App and its Treasury Module

Attendees Explore the Potential of 7me App and its Treasury Module

Michelle Bahadur-Barham

In a groundbreaking Zoom meeting held on Tuesday, 23 April, church treasurers from the North England Conference, South England Conference, and Irish, Scottish and Welsh Missions gathered to embrace advancements in financial management within the church. Attendees gathered to explore the potential of the 7me app and its Treasury module, Adventist Church Management System (ACMS), which is set to upgrade the current handling of tithes, offerings and other administrative tasks.

Introduced to the UK church in May 2022 for a trial period, the 7me app and its ACMS Treasury module were introduced across the British Union Conference to a select number of churches across the two Conferences and three Missions. The ACMS module is designed to streamline the processing of tithes and offerings, facilitate easy reporting back to Conferences, Missions, and local churches, and aid in budget creation and fund allocation for various church projects.

Initially capturing the interest of a few churches across Conferences and Missions, the 7me app's trial quickly gained momentum, evolving into a widespread movement. This surge in enthusiasm was demonstrated by the remarkable turnout of the Zoom meeting, where our 500-person capacity was put to the test as eager participants gathered to explore the app's functionalities and integration into their church operations.

At the core of the 7me app is its ACMS feature, a comprehensive tool designed to empower treasurers with the skills and knowledge necessary to navigate the app's capabilities seamlessly. The upcoming ACMS training event, scheduled for 17 to 19 May, is a testament to our unwavering commitment to equip treasurers with the proficiency required to effectively harness the app in their day-to-day responsibilities, ensuring a smooth transition and successful implementation.

The 7me app is more than just a financial tool. It's a versatile platform that caters to the evolving preferences of church members in our increasingly digital world. It provides access to Sabbath School Lessons, podcasts, and literature, and importantly, it fosters community interaction among members within their respective churches, creating a sense of connection and engagement.

The enthusiastic response to the Zoom meeting underscores a collective eagerness within the church community to embrace innovation and adapt to modern technologies. With the 7me app poised to streamline treasury operations and enhance member engagement, the future of church administration looks brighter than ever. As treasurers gear up for the upcoming ACMS training event, anticipation runs high for the transformative impact ahead. We encourage attendees to download the 7me app and familiarise yourself with its features before the training event. This will help you make the most of the training and start using the app effectively in your day-to-day responsibilities.