

Irish Mission – Voice of Prophecy (USA) partnership kickstarts in Belfast

Irish Mission – Voice of Prophecy (USA) partnership kickstarts in Belfast

The Reflecting Hope initiative continued this last weekend in the Irish Mission with the first event of the partnership with the Voice of Prophecy (VoP). This partnership began last year when Pr Shawn Boonstra (director/speaker) and Pr Alex Rodrigues (evangelism director) visited Belfast church. The service in November 2022 was followed by meetings with the Belfast church leadership and the decision was prayerfully made to enter an evangelism and outreach 3-year partnership.

Pr Boonstra visited Belfast again in July this year and a number of plans have been put in place to make God known in the community as well as to provide various community-orientated programmes. A first has been the launch on Spirit Radio of the VoP’s children’s programme Discovery Mountain on 4 November. This was followed by the Mad About Marriage seminar, which was presented by Pr Mike Tucker, former director/speaker for Faith for Today on Sabbath, 18 November. The day began with a divine service in Belfast church and was followed by the interactive and practical seminar which took place at the Belfast Clayton Hotel. The seminar was very well attended by both church and community members and will be followed by a six-weeks focus on marriage workshop called Flipping the Switch for which attendees have registered. This follow-up programme will be moderated by the new Belfast pastor, Pr Todd Frias.

The VoP team and Belfast church will soon compile a three-year roadmap of evangelism with the next event being an in Premiere docuseries-workshop on mental health due to be run concurrently in the USA and Belfast during 4-6 April 2024. More information will be made available closer to the time.

The VoP team who visited Belfast on 18 November: Pr Shawn Boonstra, Mr Justin and Mrs Carol Lyons (Justin is the VOP manager/treasurer), Dr Bill Pain (director Bible School), Pr Alex Rodrigues (evangelism director) and Pr Mike and Mrs Pam Tucker.