

The Doors of the Church were Open

The Doors of the Church were Open

Edith Mukada

On Sabbath 1 May 2021, Coventry Central church and the viewers from Poland witnessed the baptism of Lukasz Brzozka (affectionately called Brother Lucas.) His journey started on a cold Thursday afternoon in December 2019 when he saw the church door open on an unusual day. (The church then was usually open to the public on Sabbath, Sunday, Wednesday and Friday evenings.) He felt a push to go into church where the local pastor and the 2 elders were holding a pastoral team meeting.

For 13 years, Lucas had walked past Coventry Central church without even entertaining the thought of stopping for a moment to find out what was happening in the church.

On Friday evening, Lucas attended the prayer meeting and the following Sabbath, he joined the Baptismal class. Since then, he has not looked back and he continued to study in the Baptismal class throughout the lockdown period. He testifies that he used to drink and smoked at least 2 packets of cigarettes a day even though his family back in Poland are Baptists.

His baptism was broadcast live and most of the church members and family in Poland watched virtually via Zoom and YouTube as they saw our dear brother make a public declaration of his faith by going through the waters of baptism. 

Those in attendance at church was a group of 15 church members and to grace this special occasion, a visitor also walked into the church before the programme began because she had seen the church door open on a Sabbath morning after having been shut for more than a year.

Dr Herbert preached a very powerful message entitled 'When the Music Stops'. What a befitting message for a people living at this time of earth's history and Lucas's story is a story of the end times coming into the ark of safety before the music stops.

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