

A Firm Foundation for Our Youth

A Firm Foundation for Our Youth

Church leaders and members are faithfully working to equip the next generation to carry the torch of Service and Mission in Ireland. But more than that, they are working to help the youth find Jesus and accept Him as their personal Saviour and Friend.

DublinDiane Lewis

With such an army of workers as our youth, rightly trained, might furnish, how soon the message of a crucified, risen, and soon-coming Savior might be carried to the whole world! (Education, p. 271).

This well-known quote is often used in Adventist youth work. A work that is taken seriously in the Irish Mission. The youth are valued members. Various groups are focused on nurturing them: from Sabbath School and Local Church Youth Groups, to Adventurers and Pathfinders, to Outposts and IMASA (Irish Mission Association of Adventists Students).

Church leaders and members are faithfully working to equip the next generation to carry the torch of Service and Mission in Ireland. But more than that, they are working to help the youth find Jesus and accept Him as their personal Saviour and Friend.


This is no easy task in today’s world. The Devil is truly walking around as a lion, seeking to devour our precious youth. They face challenges that older church members have never had to deal with. Social pressures are ever rising in our increasingly digital world.

Questioning my self-worth as a child, I turned away from the church and into a world of drugs and alcohol trying to find a place to fit in…

This is sadly not an uncommon story amongst our youth. Deceived by worldly pleasures, lust, and pride, they have lost sight of their precious purpose and sense of self-value in Christ. It is time to bring them back to Christ! And to save the younger members from going down this painful path.

Let the youth remember that here they are to build characters for eternity, and that God requires them to do their best. Let those older in experience watch over the younger ones; and when they see them tempted, take them aside, and pray with them and for them. MYP 18

This is one of the Irish Mission’s duties, to Establish our youth in Christ. And you, as a member of the Irish Mission, are called to this duty too!

A tall order for sure, but don’t despair. The Irish Mission is here to guide.

Our Youth Sponsor

Pr Jefferson Melki is our Youth Sponsor. Son of a pastor, with a prodigal son experience, he has accepted this call to lead and serve the army that is the Youth in Ireland.

His ultimate goal is to “Support the youth in becoming disciples of Christ and reaching their full potential.” Imagine the impact a group of young people believing in, becoming like, and ultimately behaving like Christ can have on Ireland and Northern Ireland! 

Pr Jeff will begin by interacting with Youth Leaders and the youth themselves, aiming to engage active and non-active members in friendly dialogue to identify their needs.

These needs will be addressed over the next two years focusing on the following three aspects: 

InReach: to teach and equip the active youth. Leadership roles will be offered to the youth in the various activities. They will thereby be nurtured into the future leaders of the Irish Mission. 

OutReach: to help and guide our backslidden, struggling youth back to church. Activities such as sports, mental health discussions, addiction recovery sessions, apologetic talks, Outposts and IMASA will be aimed at helping these youth to realise that church is so much more than just a regular Saturday service. The main goal is to help them find Christ as their ultimate hope, purpose, and strength. 

Media Ministry: to keep the youth further engaged in their spiritual growth they will be directed to sources of online books, sermons, Christian motivational videos, and music designed for them.

Exciting, isn’t it?! You are called to help Establish this youth work through prayer and personal involvement. Start by learning the names of your church’s youth and use them, often!

For more information on how you can get involved in this youth work email Pr Jeff –

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