

New Years Day Message from SEC Women's and Possibilities Ministries Director Jacqueline Otokpa

Finding peace in this time of fear and uncertainty.

New Years Day Message from SEC Women's and Possibilities Ministries Director Jacqueline Otokpa

Jacqueline Otokpa

As I opened my eyes and saw the sunlight streaming through my bedroom window; I thanked God for a New year, new day: a new day of possibilities despite COVID19 and its devastation.

This virus has been taking lives, on every continent of this planet. Its effect has ripped families apart, love ones not being able to say their goodbyes, or making others extremely sick and bedridden for weeks.

There is no distinction between race, status or age, everyone is being affected. This is a time that many have lost all hope and are in despair.
As painful as this experience may be, our heavenly Father is still in control of this world. He is waiting with open arms for us to call on Him – to reach out and take His hand, trusting Him as He leads us in this time of uncertainty. 

Our tomorrow is determined by the action we take today. Live healthy lives, embracing our health message. God wants us to find peace in this storm, which is only found through Christ our Lord and Saviour. We have now survived a very challenging year – only by God’s Grace and Mercy!

During this time, we all have experienced some form of loss in our lives.  Loss of our freedom to physically connect and socialize with others. 
Gone are the days of Sabbath, where we were able to come together, for sweet fellowship and worship. The blissful experience of collectively worshipping God in a building, where the presence of God was felt.
This experience has now changed to a virtually quick and at times impersonal Happy Sabbath greeting. The future now seems bleak. 

There is a new norm with regards to attending church or working from home, which is now mostly done virtually. This has now become the new norm in connecting with others.

For solo-dwellers, this would mean days or weeks in isolation and loneliness. In some households with larger families, this meant overwhelming long days together, locked- in, which has now created many challenges in some homes.

Adding to the equation, was the constant alert of COVID 19 messages: informing of the numbers of persons that have loosed their lives. 
This has given reason today for some to lose all Hope. It now, seems as if this world presently is only filled with despair, prompting some to ask where is God in all this?

Not only does the bible tells us that God is a place of safety, but it assures us that God is present when we are going through challenging times.
God tells us in John 16:33, "I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

Presently humanity is being shaken. Which may make you wonder is there a place of safety? Is there anywhere safe?

Yes, there is!

The answer is found in Psalms 62:6, “He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I will not be greatly shaken.”

When all around us is being shaken, do not fear or be in despair, but hold fast to the Rock of Ages, Christ our Lord and Saviour. 

During this experience, there is no physical rock to cling to, however, there is Christ our Rock of all ages. I implore you today hold on to Christ your Lord and Saviour. Let Him be your fortress, your hiding place, your firm foundation, let Him be your refuge. This rock will never be shaken.
Find peace in spending much time in solace with God on your knees.

Letting go of unforgiveness and being able to  Forgiveness. Letting go of speaking unkind words to lifting each other up with positive affirmations. Letting go of anger and embracing love. Spending much time in the word of God.

We are now at the beginning of a New year, I implore you today to look to the future as women of faith, joining together in one heart, one mind and one spirit, with the sole purpose to make disciples for Christ, through ministering to a broken and hurting world. Sharing the good news of salvation and of our soon coming King.

Sharing the love of Christ! Through acts of kindness and love, reaching out to those in need of hope and prayers. Be a source of support to someone. We are all in this together – finally!

The future is bright when we allow Christ to be our guide and the centre of our lives.

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