



CrieffPaul Tompkins, Jacques Venter

Issued on 23 October 2020

Addressed to the Members of the Scottish Mission of Seventh-day Adventists

Safeguarding Unity in the Church

Unity is essential to the church and is one of the fundamental doctrines of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. “Without it the church will fail to accomplish its sacred mission.” (Seventh-day Adventists Believe, Chapter 14, Unity in the Body of Christ). As such the unity in the Body of Christ must be safeguarded at all times.

Within the Church we are also guided by the Church Manual in all matters of Church organisation, authority and leadership. “In Seventh-day Adventist Church Structure, no organisation determines its own status, nor does it function as if it had no obligations to the Church family beyond its boundaries.” (Church Manual, Organisation and Authority p 27)

We strongly advise our members to only attend authorised church meetings sanctioned by organised bodies of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Scotland. To-date Church Board approval with accompanying Risk Assessments have been received to physically re-open services at the Dundee and Crieff churches plus permission for broadcast services for the Edinburgh and Dunfermline district. Other churches are in the process of assessing their local situations with and through their Church Boards.

After careful consideration, the Irvine Church Board, recently informed the Scottish Mission of their decision to dissolve the Kilmarnock Branch Sabbath School /Group. Irvine requested all members who actively participated in this Branch Sabbath School / Group to return to Irvine for regular fellowship. Furthermore, no Church Board permission, pastoral agreement or designated Risk Assessment has been received for meetings, which have recently been taking place in Kilmarnock, and as such the Scottish Mission must, at this time, distance themselves from these meetings. However, we will continue to support and work with the leaders and members for the purpose of reconciliation and uniting in fellowship.

Our Fundamental Beliefs indicate “A church is not exhibiting true unity unless it is actively building up God’s work in all parts of the earth.” This includes Seventh-day Adventist churches, companies and groups in all parts of the British Union. We are committed to this in the Scottish Mission and urge all our members to press together at this pivotal time in earth’s history. We must all work towards a common goal of sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.

May God Bless us all as we move forward and together proclaim to the world God’s invitation to salvation.


Revised 30 October 2020

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