



We highlight Tuesdays as a day to intentionally connect with at least two people in their contacts. 

BelfastBen Pontanar

Although we have been encouraging the Belfast church to regularly connect with others during this time of social distancing, we highlighted Tuesdays as a day to intentionally connect with at least two other people in their contacts. 

So far, the feedback from the church has been inspiring. Members of the church not only managed to encourage each other, but also others in their own circle of family and friends. 

We have received inspiring reports like, "I’ve talked to friends that I haven’t had any contact with for quite a while, and ended up being encouraged myself,"

"It inspired me to connect with someone not just on Tuesdays but every day," and "I will keep doing this even after this crisis is over."

It also opened opportunities for us to connect with those who have not attended church for a while.

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