

BUC New Ministers' Induction Training

BUC New Ministers' Induction Training

The format for the week included morning devotions, debriefing and a social element for ministers to develop firm friendships and a support network

Richard Daly

From Sabbath 18 January nine ministers from across the British Union Conference (BUC) went through a week of intense training and induction as they took on new ministerial roles within the British Isles. The composition of new ministers varied from interns, licensed and even ordained ministers who have been relocated or assigned from other Conferences overseas. The idea behind the induction is to assimilate new ministers to effective orientation in the British ministerial environment. Pastor Eglan Brooks BUC Ministerial director and coordinator of the event said, "these meetings are geared toward sharpening their ministerial skills, providing an up to date knowledge of the church in Britain today and encouraging an ever-learning stance toward their professional and personal growth.

The format for the week included morning devotions, debriefing and a social element for ministers to develop firm friendships and a support network. The bulk of the day included over 20 presentations over the week, some of which are outlined below:

Dr Brighton Kavaloh

The PARL Role in Church and The Public Square

Mr Earl Ramharacksingh

Church Finances

Pastor Eglan Brooks

Organisational Structure, Pastoral Progression, Peer Mentoring & Portfolios

Pastor George Kumi

Good Shepherds of the Flock (Read "Missing Power")

Pastor Richard Jackson

Operational Procedure of the Seventh-day Adventist Church

Dr Richard Daly

Handling a Crisis 

Pastor Maureen Rock

How can I utilise the ADC in my ministry?

Pastor John Surridge

Church Policy and Reporting

Dr Kirk Thomas


Dr Gifford Rhamie

Embracing Cultural Awareness and Practices in the UK

Mrs Sharon Platt-McDonald

Personal Health

Mr Bert Smit


Pastor Leslie Ackie

The Pastor's Family/ Time Management & Balancing Home and Work

Dr Emmanuel Osei

Sermonic Year and Worship Services

Mr Steve Okelo


Pastor Dejan Stojkovic


At the conclusion of the week, one minister said, "this week has been so eventful for me, I learnt so much. There are things which you think you understand but then realise you are still far away…it's been a well-planned week and in the climate in which we live today, I have been reminded to adapt my ministry to ensure I value my family more and look after myself, so I can provide a better quality of ministry."

Watch a video summary here

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