

Planning Ahead

North England Conference Trust Services

Planning Ahead

Making a Will or Estate Planning is a sign of proper Christian diligence, it is something God challenged his faithful children to do in times past

North England Conference Trust Services

 Making a Will to outline your desires for the disbursement of your worldly goods is one of the most important things that we can do as responsible adults and as a wise Christians. Many people are afraid to make a Will because they are superstitiously fearful that making a Will, will somehow hasten their death. Others feel that they are too young to make a Will, that Will making is for old people with lots of resources or for people on their deathbed.

Let us assure you however, that Planning your estate, will not make you die one second earlier than if you didn’t. Whether you make a Will or not, sooner or later we all will die. Planning for the disbursement of your worldly goods is an important part of our Christian stewardship. Ensuring that our loved ones are properly provided for and that the cause of Christ that we love and believe in will continue due to our financial support, even after we’ve gone to our rest is essential. To facilitate this reality, the Seventh-day Adventist church through its Trust Services Department offers a free Will making service to its members.

Why Make a Will?

Making a Will or Estate Planning is a sign of proper Christian diligence, it is something God challenged his faithful children to do in times past.  He said to King Hezekiah on his sick bed “set your house in order for you shall die and not live!” Planning for the future welfare of our family on our passing is the loving and proper thing to do. 

  1. In a Will proper provision is made for the welfare of our loved ones; we decide what happens to our assets when we die. Many families fight and squabble over the estates of a deceased loved one even when a Will has been made much less when there is none.
  2.  Secondly, much stress and unhappiness is spared for those left behind by making a Will. Some people do not make a will because they think about the costliness (being pennywise and pound foolish.) Dying without a Will (being Intestate) leads to great expenses and stress for the family, resulting in the courts deciding on the way your estate is shared out. Wouldn’t you rather do it rather than leave it to the courts? Often in cases like this, it is the Lawyers who benefit and your love and wishes for particular family members are not fulfilled.
  3.  Some people do not make a Will simply because they’re afraid to think about dying but life is too uncertain.  Making a Will is one of the most important things to do to prepare for the unexpected. Sadly we don’t know what the future holds, but it is comforting to know that we have provided for our loved ones whatever life throws at us.
  4.  If you have already made a Will, it is important to regularly examine it to make sure that it is up-to-date and adequately reflects your situation at the present time. Often things change in our lives, we might have marriage, death, the birth of a child or grandchild or changes in health. These and similar circumstances demand that we update our plans and make them more relevant to ours and our family’s situations.
    As you decide to make a Will, think carefully about your priorities. Matthew 6: 33 says “seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness...” ensure that you have completed your Christian stewardship to the best of your ability and for the benefit of your loved ones and to the glory of God. Secondly make a list of your immediate family, think of their unique situations and their needs.  Think of your love for them and what you can do to best meet their needs. Think also about appointing your substitute just think if you have children should you die suddenly what will happen to them or should your health decline who will make decisions on your behalf? It is important to appointed someone you trust to act as Guardians for your underage children and to have Power of Attorney on your behalf if you should in old age loose capacity.
    You can contact the North England Conference Trust Services Department to receive information and assistance and guidance in making your will.
    Keep your plans up-to-date!

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