

Commonwealth Games 2022

Commonwealth Games 2022

An Open Invitation - 27 October 2019

North England ConferencePresident Richard Jackson

Dear Members

Opportunity for Ministry - Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games

Meeting with Commonwealth Games Director, Sunday 27 October 2019

In 2022 athletes and spectators from across 71 nations will come together for the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games in a momentous celebration of sport, competition and community. The games will take place from 27 July – 7 August 2022 at the Alexander Stadium in Perry Barr, Birmingham.

The hosting of the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham will present a unique opportunity for the church to engage in active, practical ministry by taking the tangible love of Jesus to the tens of thousands who will descend upon the city of Birmingham for this short period.

Already major plans have commenced to prepare Birmingham for this once in a lifetime opportunity. As a result of the initiative of Area 5 Advisory, an expression of interest in offering our services as a church has been made with Birmingham City Council in the following possible areas: Prayer Room facilities – managing a designated space(s) for prayer and meditation; Health Expo – introducing preventative medicine through lifestyle changes; Youth volunteers – Pathfinders assisting in ushering and water distribution. These are just some of the suggestions being put forward so far.

The Commonwealth Games Director, Kesh Ladwa is keen to have community involvement in the games and would like to meet with our church to outline the areas in which we could potentially become involved. On Sunday, 27 October, 11.00am – 1.00pm, at Camp Hill Seventh-day Adventist Church, Birmingham, a special meeting will be held to allow us, where possible, to showcase the services we can offer in response to the areas of need presented. Once the Director has made his presentation, we hope there will be opportunities for questions. After his departure, we would want to take time to collate further ideas for future development of an action plan for ministry at the games.

In addition to this and as part of the legacy of the games, there will be numerous employment opportunities that will also be outlined. In light of the size of this venture, invitation to this meeting is being extended to all members from Areas 4, 5, 6 & 7. We would like as many interested people to attend as we seek to continue our mission to the City of Birmingham.

Please announce this meeting in your churches in order to engage wide participation. We look forward to seeing representation from as many churches as possible.

Yours sincerely

Pastor Richard Jackson

Pastor & President

Extending God's Kingdom -

Nurturing Each Other and Winning Another