
Domestic Abuse

Safe at Home - Saying 'No!' to Domestic Abuse

The Seventh-day Adventist Church places great importance on family life and affirms the dignity and worth of each human being. It decries all forms of physical, spiritual, economic, sexual, emotional and psychological abuse. Such behaviour undermines our biblical and moral values and destroys the trust between people within our community.

Please download our Safe at Home - Domestic Abuse Policy and Procedures (Reviewed March 2024)

Jointly with our sister department Women's Ministries, we support the End It Now initiative which seeks to end of all types of abuse against women globally. For more information visit and click on EnditNow. The annual Abuse Prevention Emphasis Day material can also be found on this site. Informative leaflets on this topic can also be downloaded.


Domestic Abuse in the Church

Spiritual Abuse in Marriage

5 Myths About Domestic Abuse

Why Survivors of Abuse Stay

Holding Abusers Accountable

Emotional Abuse

Setting Boundaries with Abusers

Verbal Abuse


Sexual Abuse in Marriage

Male Victims of Domestic Abuse