Safeguarding Our Church - Protection of Children and Adults at Risk of Harm
Seventh-day Adventists believe that safeguarding the spiritual, emotional and physical well-being of the vulnerable is integral to practically demonstrating the grace of Christ in our churches and communities.
Family Ministries, Children's Ministries and the Secretariat Department oversee the implementation of the Church's safeguarding policy, to ensure best practice in the protection of children and adults at risk. Click this link to do download the full Policy, Procedures and Guidance.
- Section C - Safer Recruitment
- Section D – Managing Staff, Church Members and Volunteers
- Section E - Training
- Section F - Working Safely
- Section G - Responding to Concerns
- Section H - Caring for those Affected by Abuse
- Section I - Implementation of Policy
- National References & Resources
- Appendix 1 - Safeguarding - A Biblical Mandate
- Appendix 2 - Code of Conduct
- Appendix 3 - Safeguarding Roles and Responsibilities
- Appendix 4 - Sample Role Description
- Appendix 5 - Self-Declaration Form
- Appendix 6 - Request for Reference
- Appendix 7 - Reference Form
- Appendix 8 - Church Safeguarding Statement
- Appendix 9 - Safeguarding Contact Details
- Appendix 10a - Risk Assessment Guide
- Appendix 10b - Activities and Events Risk Assessment
- Appendix 11 - Hire of Church Premises Safeguarding Agreement
- Appendix 12 - Online and Digital Safety
- Appendix 13a - Photographs and Filming
- Appendix 13b - Photographs and Filming Consent Form
- Appendix 14 - Responding to Abuse – Recording Guidance and Form
- Appendix 15 - Responding to Concerns Flowchart
- Appendix 16 - How to Make a Referral
- Appendix 17 - Grooming
- Appendix 18 - Criminal Explotation and Gangs
- Appendix 19 - The Impact of Pornography on Children
- Appendix 20 - Safeguarding Looked-After Children
- Appendix 21 - Spiritual Abuse
- Appendix 22 - Agreement of Care
- Appendix 23 - BUC Anti-Bullying Policy
- Appendix 24 - BUC Whistleblowing Policy
- Appendix 25 - BUC Complaints Policy
- ENGLAND PROCEDURES - Section J - Protection of Adults at Risk of Harm
- ENGLAND PROCEDURES - Section K - Protection of Children from Harm
- ENGLAND PROCEDURES - Section L - Public Protection
- ENGLAND PROCEDURES - Appendix 26 - Legislation and Protection of Children and Adults at Risk
- ENGLAND PROCEDURES - Appendix 27 - Flowchart - How to Respond to Concerns of Possible Abuse
- IRELAND PROCEDURES - Section J - Protection of Adults at Risk of Harm
- IRELAND PROCEDURES - Section K - Protection of Children from Harm
- IRELAND PROCEDURES - Section L - Public Protection
- IRELAND PROCEDURES - Appendix 26 - Legislation and Protection of Children and Adults at Risk - Northern Ireland
- IRELAND PROCEDURES - Appendix 26 - Legislation and Protection of Children and Adults at Risk - Republic of Ireland
- IRELAND PROCEDURES - Appendix 27 - Flowchart - How to Respond to Concerns of Possible Abuse
- SCOTLAND PROCEDURES - Section J - Protection of Adults at Risk of Harm
- SCOTLAND PROCEDURES - Section K - Protection of Children from Harm
- SCOTLAND PROCEDURES - Section L - Public Protection
- SCOTLAND PROCEDURES - Appendix 26 - Legislation and Protection of Children and Adults at Risk
- SCOTLAND PROCEDURES - Appendix 27 - Flowchart - How to Respond to Concerns of Possible Abuse
- WALES PROCEDURES - Section J - Protection of Adults at Risk of Harm
- WALES PROCEDURES - Section K - Protection of Children from Harm
- WALES PROCEDURES - Section L - Public Protection
- WALES PROCEDURES - Appendix 22 - Legislation and Protection of Children and Adults at Risk
- WALES PROCEDURES - Appendix 27 - Flowchart - How to Respond to Concerns of Possible Abuse
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY - This document provides a concise summary of Church's policies, procedures and guidance.
Safeguarding awareness and 'Good Practice' training is organised at the local church level by the Designated Safeguarding Person (DSP).
The local Conference/Mission is responsible for the training of local church DSPs. Please contact your Conference/Mission for dates of training. A Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check is required for all those who lead or volunteer for work with children and adults at risk. The local church DBS Clerk ensures that these checks are conducted. The local church DBS Clerk receives training and guidance from the Conference Executive Secretariat Department or from the BUC Executive Secretariat Department for the Missions.
The DSP and DBS Clerk are distinctive roles but in smaller churches, the role can be held by the same person.
- Childline - 0800 1111
- NSPCC - 0808 800 5000
- Thirtyone:Eight - 0303 003 1111
- Women's Aid - 0808 2000 247
- ManKind Initiative - 01823 334 244
- Men's Advice Line - 0808 801 0327
Safeguarding Agencies
Thirtyone:Eight (formally Churches' Child Protection Advisory Service)
Thirtyone:Eight is an independent Christian charity providing professional advice, training, support and resources in all areas of safeguarding children and adults at risk of harm. It exists to safeguard children and adults at risk throughout the UK. ThirtyOne:Eight also provides support for those who are or have been affected by abuse or harm. For more information, visit the Thirtyone:Eight website.
National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC)
NSPCC is the UK’s leading children's charity, specialising in child protection and dedicated to the fight for every child. NSPCC is the only UK children's charity with statutory powers which means, it can take action to safeguard children at risk of abuse. Visit the NSPCC website for more information.
Women's Aid
Women’s Aid is a national charity working to end domestic abuse against women and children. It has been at the forefront of shaping and coordinating responses to domestic violence and abuse through practice for over 40 years. Women's Aid empowers survivors by keeping their voices at the heart of their work, working with and for women and children by listening to them and responding to their needs. Visit the Women's Aid website.
ManKind Initiative
The ManKind Initiative was the first charity in Great Britain to support male victims of domestic abuse (registered in 2001). For over 15 years they have been at the forefront of providing services and support for male victims and campaigning to ensure that male victims receive the support they need from other organisations. Visit the ManKind Initiative website.
Action on Elder Abuse (AEA)
Action on Elder Abuse (AEA) is a specialist organisation with a growing staff in all four nations of the UK. AEA focuses exclusively on the issue of elder abuse. AEA strives for a society which values older people and one in which they and other adults can live free from abuse perpetrated by those in whom they have an expectation of trust. Where such abuse occurs, they seek an environment in which it can be quickly identified and addressed. Visit the AEA website.
Safeguarding Older People from Abuse and Neglect Factsheet - Age UK
Online Course: Sexual Abuse, Reclaiming Hope
The purpose of the 6-module course is to explore multiple aspects of sexual abuse including awareness, prevention, recognition, protection, investigation, advocacy, responsibilities, organizational supports, healing, and structural approaches to stem the tide of unfortunate and criminal activities within the Seventh-day Adventist faith community. Unfortunately, abuse, harassment, and misconduct happen. Much of this takes place with our most vulnerable faith community members, our children, and young adults. As a church organization, we are taking a stand to stop sexual abuse. There are many things that can be done to limit or stop these types of incidents in your faith community. But the first step is talking about it.
You will learn vital components of dealing with harassment and sexual abuse and discover empowering approaches to curb this type of behavior in your faith community. In addition, you will discover remediation and healing strategies to reclaim hope for sexual abuse victims and their faith communities. This course provides an extensive library of relevant resources in every module. Visit the Adventist Learning Community website to register for this free self-paced online course.
- Domestic Abuse Presentation - Les Ackie
- End It Now - Claudio & Pamela Consuegra
- Domestic Abuse & the Church - Women's Aid Seminar
- Spiritual Abuse Presentation - Les Ackie
Visit our Emotional Wellbeing page for a list of helpful organisations.
- SDA Disclosure Applications Website
- England and Wales:
- Northern Ireland: Checks are carried out by AccessNI
- Republic of Ireland: National Vetting Bureau
- Scotland: The Protecting Vulnerable Groups Scheme (PVG Scheme)