
Nutrition and Culinary Skills Training Strategy

Nutrition and Culinary Skills Training Strategy

This strategy implanted to assist members in making informed choices about food and it impact on health, has been augmented to include a suite of courses on nutrition. This also entailed the delivery of practical training to enhance culinary skills amongst our membership and community individuals.

Key achievements of this Strategy has been:

  • Expansion of the Community Cooking Hub training to a Level 2 course for advanced students
  • The development and running of a 5 day Residential Cooking School course
  • Training of Health Ministries leaders to operate a Cooking School in their church / community
  • Nutrition conference with guest presenter Professor Winston Craig from the USA
  • Updated food and nutrition materials for Health Ministries leaders to equip them in the role bringing health awareness to the membership and their wellness programmes for both church and community
  • Food as Medicine segments at Health Expos, Health Fairs and Health Evangelism initiatives.

Community cooking hubs – To train Health Teams on promoting health eating and undertaking food demonstrations for church membership and community


The Nutrition and Culinary Skills Strategy has realised the following aims:

1. Create a centre of excellence for health and culinary education.

2. Integrate health themes with practical cookery sessions/demonstrations, using multi- sensory and interactive education where possible.

3. Offer health and culinary course for different groups within the community including children, adults, families, and professionals; and individuals with special health needs (i.e. autism, mental illness, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, cancer, cardiovascular conditions, obesity, menopause).

4. Use of Cooking Show DVD Healthy Delights in nutrition training courses and health events.

4. Promote and enable individuals and the community to maximise their whole health and wellness potential through informed health choices.

5. Promote environmentally friendly social enterprise that re-invests its profits in ways that benefit the community in health education opportunities.