
CHIP development

CHIP development

The BUC Health Ministries Department has supported the transition of CHIP - Complete Health Improvement Programme development in the UK and Ireland over the past 5 years. This has now resulted in the appointment of Sharon Stevenson who is now the UK/Europe Regional Coordinator for the Lifestyle Medicine Institute and CHIP.

CHIP is an evidenced based lifestyle intervention program which reduces risk factors for disease be encouraging health habits and lifestyle changes that enhance wellbeing. The BUC health ministries department has supported attendees to train on the newly repacked version of CHIP by funding several individuals across the BUC to attend the various training events. This has significantly increased the number of individuals now trained as CHIP facilitators.

Department Videos –

PowerPoint presentations

The health director has produced a range of 60 PowerPoint presentations for use by churches and to assist health ministries leaders in delivering health programs and as a resource for themselves and others.