Family Ministries

Family Evangelism

God created the family to be the primary unit for the transmission of His values from generation to generation. In a broken world, families can play a vital role in sharing the love of God within the home and then to extend the mission of the family outside of the home. 

"The most natural first recipients of our gospel sharing endeavors are the people in our households. There is no more important mission field than this (The Adventist Home, p. 35). 


Family Evangelism Resources

Family-to-Family is a one-year plan to guide all families in the church to witness to their neighbors, relatives, and friends.

The Church Guide is designed to help pastors, elders, and Adventist Family Ministries leaders implement Family-to-Family in your local church. It provides the vision, training, and practical steps to help each family prepare and reach out to at least one other family in their neighborhood. (Click on the image to download the guide)

The Family Guide is designed with steps to help spiritually prepare your family to share Jesus with neighbors, relatives, and friends. It is used by each family in your church to prepare for being a powerful witness in the community. It contains the basic steps to spiritually prepare each family to share Christ with another family. Ideally, every family in your church should have their own booklet. (Click on the image to download the guide)


Kids in Discipleship (K.I.D.) is a ministry that equips parents and mentors to implement the model of discipleship described in Deuteronomy. Through this intentional discipleship focus, parents/mentors and children grow in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and with one another. Families are then empowered to use their gifts in worship, ministry, and mission. Footprints for Kids is a 24 lesson intergenerational Bible study course, where parents and mentors work alongside their children and participate in a highly interactive small group. For more details visit the InDiscipleship website.